
Module to work with CHarm on distributed memory systems.

The routines are split into three categories. Functions related to:

Except for routines from this module, structures charm_shc, charm_point and charm_err distributed among MPI processes should only enter the following functions:

The rest of the CHarm’s routines requires non-distributed structures charm_shc, charm_point and charm_err.

For each function in this module, an example usage is provided. Note that we often use if statements to feed MPI processes by data. While this is perfectly valid, this is not usually done in practice. Still, this approach is hopefully beneficial for learning purposes.


All routines from this module are collective communication functions. They must therefore always be called by all participating MPI processes. Furthermore, using the structures charm_shc, charm_point and charm_err returned by the routines from this module as inputs to functions from other modules (e.g., charm_shs_point()) makes that particular routines collective communication functions.


The performance of charm_sha_point() and charm_shs_point() depends enormously on charm_glob_shc_block_nmax_multiplier, charm_glob_sha_block_lat_multiplier and charm_glob_shs_block_lat_multiplier. To properly tune these parameters, see the documentation and the cookbook.


If CHarm is compiled with the MPI support (--enable-mpi), spherical harmonic transforms on shared-memory systems will generally be slightly slower compared to when the MPI support is disabled. This is true if even none of the data are actually distributed. This is the price to be paid for having the charm_glob_sha_block_lat_multiplier and charm_glob_shs_block_lat_multiplier variables, which require to dynamically allocate memory in the computationally most expensive parts of CHarm.


An MPI implementation is required to support the MPI standard version 3.0 (September 2012) or newer.


This documentation is written for double precision version of CHarm.

Spherical harmonic coefficients

charm_shc *charm_mpi_shc_init(unsigned long nmax, double mu, double r, double *c, double *s, size_t local_nchunk, const unsigned long *local_order, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_shc_init() but for charm_shc distributed among MPI processes in comm.

Function parameters that are new with respect to charm_shc_init() are explained below.

The c and s pointers must have an access to the number of elements returned by charm_mpi_shc_local_ncs(). The ordering of spherical harmonic coefficients in c and s depends on local_order (see charm_shc.local_order).

The example below illustrates how to create a distributed charm_shc structure with this function. We assume that rank represents the rank of MPI processes and the size of the MPI communicator comm is 3.

// The maximum harmonic degree of spherical harmonic coefficients
unsigned nmax = 10;

// The number of chunks of spherical harmonic coefficients for
// individual MPI processes
size_t local_nchunk;
if (rank == 2)
    local_nchunk = 1;
    local_nchunk = 2;

// Now define the chunks of spherical harmonic coefficients by
// specifying their first and last spherical harmonic order
unsigned long local_order[4];
if (rank == 0)  // Process with rank "0"
    // The first chunk will consist of all spherical harmonic
    // coefficients of order "0"
    local_order[0] = 0;
    local_order[1] = 0;

    // The second chunk will hold all coefficients of orders from
    // "1" to "2"
    local_order[2] = 1;
    local_order[3] = 2;
else if (rank == 1)  // Process with rank "1"
    // The first chunk at another MPI process will consist of all
    // coefficients of orders from "3" to "5"
    local_order[0] = 3;
    local_order[1] = 5;

    // The second chunk consists of all coefficients of order "6"
    local_order[2] = 6;
    local_order[3] = 6;
else if (rank == 2)  // Process with rank "2"
    // This process has one chunk only, starting at order "7" and
    // ending at "10"
    local_order[0] = 7;
    local_order[1] = 10;

// Initialize an error structure
charm_err *err = charm_mpi_err_init();
if (err == NULL)

// "local_ncs" is the total amount of spherical harmonic
// coefficients that is stored locally by the individual MPI
// processes
size_t local_ncs = charm_mpi_shc_local_ncs(nmax, local_nchunk,
                                           local_order, err);
charm_err_handler(err, 1);

// Allocate arrays that will store spherical harmonic coefficients
double *c = (double *)malloc(local_ncs * sizeof(double));
if (c == NULL)
double *s = (double *)malloc(local_ncs * sizeof(double));
if (s == NULL)

// You can now fill "c" and "s" with some reasonable data.
// Alternatively, you can do this with "shcs->c" and "shcs->s"
// after "shcs" is created below.  It doesn't matter, as "c" points
// to the same location in the memory as "shcs->c".  The same is
// also true for "s" and "shcs->s".

// Create a distributed "charm_shc" structure
charm_shc *shcs = charm_mpi_shc_init(nmax, 1.0, 1.0, c, s,
                                     local_nchunk, local_order,
                                     comm, err);
charm_err_handler(err, 1);

// Now is the time to do some heavy lifting with "shcs"

// Once you no longer need "shcs", free it as usually


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_shc structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer and an error message is written to err.

charm_shc *charm_mpi_shc_malloc(unsigned long nmax, double mu, double r, size_t local_nchunk, const unsigned long *local_order, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_shc_malloc() but for charm_shc distributed among MPI processes in comm.

For an example usage, see charm_mpi_shc_init(). All you need to change is to replace charm_mpi_shc_init() by charm_mpi_shc_malloc() and not to use c and s as input parameters to charm_mpi_shc_malloc().

Function parameters that are new with respect to charm_shc_malloc() are explained below.


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_shc structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer and an error message is written to err.

charm_shc *charm_mpi_shc_calloc(unsigned long nmax, double mu, double r, size_t local_nchunk, const unsigned long *local_order, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_mpi_shc_malloc() but all spherical harmonic coefficients are initialized to zero.

size_t charm_mpi_shc_local_ncs(unsigned long nmax, size_t local_nchunk, const unsigned long *local_order, charm_err *err)#

Returns the number of \(\bar{C}_{nm}\) coefficients that are stored locally by the charm_shc structure when its maximum harmonic degree is nmax and there are local_nchunk local chunks given by harmonic orders local_order. The same number of coefficients applies to \(\bar{S}_{nm}\), too.


There are two use cases of this routine.

  • Use it before calling charm_mpi_shc_init() to get the number of elements that the c and s input pointers must have access to.

  • Use it before calling charm_mpi_shc_malloc() or charm_mpi_shc_calloc() to get the number of elements that will be locally allocated to charm_shc.c and charm_shc.s.


On success, returned is the total number of \(\bar{C}_{nm}\) and \(\bar{S}_{nm}\) coefficients that CHarm associates with the local portion of charm_shc.c and charm_shc.s for a given chunk(s). On error, 0 is returned and the error message is written to err.

Evaluation points

charm_point *charm_mpi_crd_point_init(int type, size_t local_nlat, size_t local_nlon, size_t local_0_start, double *lat, double *lon, double *r, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_crd_point_init() but for charm_point distributed among MPI processes in comm.

Function parameters that are new with respect to charm_crd_point_init() are explained below. The lat and r pointers must have an access to local_nlat elements. The lon pointer requires local_nlon elements.


  • Scattered points:

    Assume that you have 6 scattered points that you want to distribute among 3 MPI processes. Let the latitudes of the points be lat0, lat1, ..., lat5. Assume that you want to have, say, the first three latitudes at the MPI process with rank 0, then two points at rank 1 and the last point at rank 2. Finally, let’s assume that rank denotes the rank of MPI processes and comm is the MPI communicator. Then, you could write:

    size_t local_nlat, local_0_start;
    if (rank == 0)
        local_nlat    = 3;
        local_0_start = 0;
    else if (rank == 1)
        local_nlat    = 2;
        local_0_start = 3;
    else if (rank == 2)
        local_nlat    = 1;
        local_0_start = 5;
    double *lat = (double *)malloc(local_nlat * sizeof(double));
    if (lat == NULL)
    size_t local_nlon = local_nlat;
    double *lon = (double *)malloc(local_nlon * sizeof(double));
    if (lon == NULL)
    double *r = (double *)malloc(local_nlat * sizeof(double));
    if (r == NULL)
    // At the process with "rank == 0", set "lat[0]", "lat[1]" and
    // "lat[2]" to the first three latitudes of your six points, "lat0",
    // "lat1", "lat2".
    // At the process with "rank == 1", set "lat[0]" and "lat[1]" to
    // the next two latitudes of your six points, "lat3" and "lat4".
    // At the process with "rank == 2", set "lat[0]" to
    // the last latitude, "lat5".
    // Similarly, set the longitudes and spherical radii.
    // Initialize an error structure
    charm_err *err = charm_mpi_err_init();
    if (err == NULL)
    charm_point *pnt = charm_mpi_crd_point_init(CHARM_CRD_POINT_SCATTERED,
                                                local_nlat, local_nlon,
                                                local_0_start, lat, lon,
                                                r, comm, err);
    charm_err_handler(err, 1);
    // Once you no longer need "pnt", free it as usually

  • Non-symmetric point grids:

    Assume that you have the same six latitudes as in the previous example with scattered points and you also have ten longitudes, so that your grid has 6 times 10 points. Finally, assume that your grid is non-symmetric with respect to the equator (details on symmetric and non-symmetric grids here).

    You can initialize the charm_point structure in the same way as in the example with scatter points with two differences. First, your value of local_nlon will now be 10 and you must set of course all the ten elements of lon to your longitudes. All ten longitudes must be equal at all MPI processes. Second, you need to set the first input parameter type in charm_mpi_crd_point_init to CHARM_CRD_POINT_GRID.

  • Symmetric point grids:

    There is a special way to tell CHarm that your grid is symmetric with respect to the equator. As a general rule, a symmetric grid must be distributed across MPI processes in such a way that local portions of the grid at all processes are symmetric (details on symmetric and non-symmetric grids here).

    Let’s say that you have three MPI processes in comm and with ranks rank. You have 7 grid latitudes 1.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5. You also have 10 longitudes and 7 spherical radii (their values are irrelevant here). Then, you can write (observe carefully the variable local_0_start):

     size_t local_nlat, local_0_start;
     if (rank == 0)
         // This process will hold latitudes "1.5" and "-1.5"
         local_nlat    = 2;
         local_0_start = 0;  // "1.5" is the first grid latitude
     else if (rank == 1)
         // Latitudes "1.0", "-1.0"
         local_nlat    = 2;
         local_0_start = 1; // "1.0" is the second grid latitude
     else if (rank == 2)
         // Latitude "0.5", "0.0", "-0.5"
         local_nlat    = 3;
         local_0_start = 2;  // "0.5" is the third grid latitude
                             // Should "rank == 1" have, say, four
                             // latitudes ("1.0", "0.9", "-0.9", "-1.0"),
                             // then "local_0_start" would be "3" here.
    double *lat = (double *)malloc(local_nlat * sizeof(double));
    if (lat == NULL)
    if (rank == 0)
        lat[0] = 1.5;
        lat[1] = -1.5;
    else if (rank == 1)
        lat[0] = 1.0;
        lat[1] = -1.0;
    else if (rank == 2)
        lat[0] = 0.5;
        lat[1] = 0.0;
        lat[2] = -0.5;
    // Note that the latitudes are symmetric with respect to the equator at
    // *each* MPI process.  This is very important.
    // Also note that "local_0_start" is approached differently with
    // symmetric grids.
    // Some longitudes
    size_t local_nlon = 10;
    double *lon = (double *)malloc(local_nlon * sizeof(double));
    if (lon == NULL)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < local_nlon; i++)
        lon[i] = (double)i / 10.0;
    // Some spherical radii
    double *r = (double *)malloc(local_nlat * sizeof(double));
    if (r == NULL)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < local_nlat; i++)
        r[i] = 1.0;
     charm_point *pnt = charm_mpi_crd_point_init(CHARM_CRD_POINT_GRID,
                                                 local_nlat, local_nlon,
                                                 local_0_start, lat, lon,
                                                 r, comm, err);
     charm_err_handler(err, 1);

  • local_nlat[in] The same as charm_point.nlat, but for the latitudes stored locally.

  • local_0_start[in] See charm_point.local_0_start.

  • comm[in] MPI communicator.

  • err[out] Error reported by the function (if any).


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_point structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer and an error message is written to err.

charm_point *charm_mpi_crd_point_malloc(int type, size_t local_nlat, size_t local_nlon, size_t local_0_start, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_crd_point_malloc() but for charm_point distributed among MPI processes in comm.

Function parameters that are new with respect to charm_crd_point_malloc() are explained below.

For a use case, see the example with scattered points and non-symmetric point grids in charm_mpi_crd_point_init(). You only have to replace charm_mpi_crd_point_init() by charm_mpi_crd_point_malloc() and not to use lat, lon and r as input parameters to charm_mpi_crd_point_malloc().


This routine is capable of returning a non-symmetric point grid only. The input parameter local_0_start must therefore be always be approached as shown for non-symmetric point grids in charm_mpi_crd_point_init(). This is because this function does not initialize the memory for, so the latitudes are specified only after this function has been called. There is therefore no way for CHarm to know by which latitudes will the structure be fed in by the user. If you want to be sure that your distributed charm_point structure will be considered as symmetric, use charm_mpi_crd_point_init() instead.


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_point structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer and an error message is written to err.

charm_point *charm_mpi_crd_point_calloc(int type, size_t local_nlat, size_t local_nlon, size_t local_0_start, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_mpi_crd_point_malloc() but all array elements are initialized to zero.

charm_point *charm_mpi_crd_point_gl(unsigned long nmax, double r, size_t local_nlat, size_t local_0_start, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_crd_point_gl() but for charm_point distributed among MPI processes in comm.

Function parameters that are new with respect to charm_crd_point_gl() are explained below.

Building a distributed charm_point structure for Gauss-Legendre grids depends on the parity of nmax.

  • If nmax is even, local_nlat must be odd at one process and even at all the remaining processes in comm. The process with odd local_nlat must include the equator.

  • If nmax is odd, local_nlat must be even at all processes within comm.

The code example below shows how to compute a distributed Gauss-Legendre grid. We assume that rank denotes the rank of MPI processes and that there are 3 MPI processes within the communicator comm.

// Maximum harmonic degree
unsigned long nmax = 10;

// For our "nmax = 10", "nlat" will be "11" (you can check this
// with "charm_crd_point_gl_shape").  We will thus have the
// following latitudes in the Gauss--Legendre grid: "lat0, lat1,
// lat2, ..., lat10".

size_t local_nlat, local_0_start;
if (rank == 0)
    // This MPI process will hold 2 latitudes, "lat1" and "lat9".
    local_nlat    = 2;
    local_0_start = 1;
else if (rank == 1)
    // This process also holds two latitudes, "lat0" and "lat10".
    // We intentionally put "lat0" to the process of rank "1" to
    // demonstrate that CHarm does not care about which chunk is
    // stored is by which MPI process.
    local_nlat    = 2;
    local_0_start = 0;
else if (rank == 2)
    // "nmax" is even, so the process holding the equator must have
    // odd value of "local_nlat".
    // This process will hold seven latitudes, "lat2, lat3, ...,
    // lat8".
    local_nlat    = 7;
    local_0_start = 2;

// Initialize an error structure
charm_err *err = charm_mpi_err_init();
if (err == NULL)

// Compute the Gauss--Legendre grid
charm_point *glg = charm_mpi_crd_point_gl(nmax, 1.0,
                                          local_0_start, comm,
charm_err_handler(err, 1);

// Once you no longer need "glg", free it as usually


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_point structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer and an error message is written to err.

charm_point *charm_mpi_crd_point_dh1(unsigned long nmax, double r, size_t local_nlat, size_t local_0_start, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_crd_point_dh1() but for charm_point distributed among MPI processes in comm.

Function parameters that are new with respect to charm_crd_point_dh1() are explained below.

There are some restrictions on local_nlat and local_0_start.

  • Two processes must have odd value of local_nlat and all the remaining processes must have even local_nlat. As an exception, if one process holds all latitudes of the Driscoll-Healy grid, then local_nlat is always even.

  • One process with odd local_nlat must have local_0_start set to 0. In other words, the process holding the north pole must have odd local_nlat.

  • The other process with odd local_nlat must contain the equator.

The code example below shows how to compute a distributed Driscoll-Healy grid. We assume that rank denotes the rank of MPI processes and that there are 3 MPI processes within the communicator comm.

// Maximum harmonic degree
unsigned long nmax = 10;

// For our "nmax = 10", "nlat" will be "22" (you can check this
// with "charm_crd_point_dh1_shape").  We will thus have the
// following latitudes in the Driscoll-Healy grid: "lat0, lat1,
// lat2, ..., lat21".

size_t local_nlat, local_0_start;
if (rank == 0)
    // This process holds the north pole, hence odd
    // "local_nlat_dh".  The latitudes available to this process
    // are "lat0", "lat1", "lat21".  Remember that "lat21" is not
    // the south pole.
    local_nlat    = 3;
    local_0_start = 0;
else if (rank == 1)
    // This process holds the equator "lat11", hence odd
    // "local_nlat_dh"
    local_nlat    = 1;
    local_0_start = 11;
else if (rank == 2)
    // All the remaining latitudes of the Driscoll--Healy grid:
    // "lat2", "lat3", ...,"lat10", "lat12", "lat13", ..., "lat20".
    local_nlat    = 18;
    local_0_start = 2;

// Initialize an error structure
charm_err *err = charm_mpi_err_init();
if (err == NULL)

// Compute the Driscoll--Healy grid
charm_point *dh1 = charm_mpi_crd_point_dh1(nmax, 1.0,
                                           local_0_start, comm,
charm_err_handler(err, 1);

// Once you no longer need "dh1", free it as usually


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_point structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer and an error message is written to err.

charm_point *charm_mpi_crd_point_dh2(unsigned long nmax, double r, size_t local_nlat, size_t local_0_start, MPI_Comm comm, charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_mpi_crd_point_dh1() but for the equiangular modification of the Driscoll-Healy grid after Wieczorek and Meschede (2018).

Error handling

charm_err *charm_mpi_err_init(MPI_Comm comm)#

The same as charm_err_init() but for charm_err distributed among processes in the MPI communicator comm.


If all processes succeeded, returned is a pointer to the charm_err structure. If one or more processes failed, all processes return a NULL pointer.

_Bool charm_mpi_err_isempty(const charm_err *err)#

The same as charm_err_isempty() but for both distributed (err->distributed == 1) and non-distributed (err->distributed == 0) charm_err structures.


Returns boolean 1 if err is empty at all processes in err->comm. If err is not empty at one or more processes, 0 is returned.